

Agar-Agar is a white, odorless, tasteless, polysaccharide-based powder. This substance has a plant origin and is extracted from certain types of seaweed. When agar is dissolved in water, it becomes a jelly-like structure. This structure is similar to Gelatin, except that Gelatin is animal-based, but Agar is plant-based. In addition, the gel or cream form produced with Agar is more stable at high temperatures compared to Gelatin. Foods containing Agar-Agar are stronger than Gelatin and therefore will have a firmer and creamier texture. Agar powder, like carrageenan, which originates from algae, can be used to thicken many food products. The main use of this material is in the preparation of various types of jelly and the shaping of cream in confectioneries, desserts, puddings, mousses, soup, sauce, ice cream, candy, chocolate, and other products. This additive is a good source of fiber and has a high ability to absorb moisture and water, for this reason can swell quickly in the stomach and make a person feel full. Also, not contain sugar and fat, and since it passes through the digestive system quickly, it absorbs sugar and fat and prevents their accumulation in the body. according to the above mentioned can be used in low-calorie and diet food products. It is laxative and can reduce inflammation.

In addition to the food industry, this substance is also used in the cosmetics and detergent industries as a gelling and thickening agent, for example in shampoos, creams, lotions, masks, and skin and hair care. This unique substance acts as a moisturizer and anti-inflammatory on the skin due to its hydrophilic properties and refreshes your skin. It should be noted that excessive use of this additive in the food industry can upset the balance of the digestive system due to its laxative properties, and also in cosmetic-detergent products can cause some skin allergies. Contact our technical team for more information about this food additive.