Chemistry is Life

Everything you see, hear, smell, taste, and touch is dependent on chemicals, and hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting, and touching all result from chemical reactions and interactions in the body. Not only does the organic system of the human body include these chemical interactions, but also the environment around us is nothing but this. With such a wide range of subjects, knowing chemistry is essential to better understanding the world around us.

Chemistry is not limited to equipment and laboratories. Rather, chemistry is an observable fact around us that the better we know it, can better understand the world around us.

Chemistry is Life

Chemistry is a branch of basic science that deals with the study of matter, including its structure, composition, and the changes that occur when exposed to various situations. Chemistry not only examines the quality of matter but also analyses how and why it changes. In chemistry, "anything that has mass and occupies space is called matter". We often hear that "chemicals" are just those substances in laboratories or something unnatural and harmful, whereas, chemists believe that the basis of everything is chemicals.

Chemical molecules have been forming a variety of foods, including Carbohydrates, Vitamins, Proteins, Lipids, and Fibers, which are beneficial for health. In addition, chemicals have proven their major role in the manufacture and long-term preservation of food. Food additives, flavors, and food supplements are all effective in improving the quality and quantity of meals and the basis of all of them is chemistry. In the agricultural industry (fertilizers and chemical pesticides), chemistry has done a great service to the world by providing healthy and nutritious products, fruits, and vegetables. Urea, Ammonium Sulfate, Calcium SuperPhosphate, and Sodium Nitrate are all important and widely used fertilizers.

Chemicals play an important role in the cosmetic-detergent and pharmaceutical industry. Until now, chemistry has been a savior in the production of drugs to treat disease and relieve pain, and it has appeared unique in cosmetic-detergent industries by helping to maintain skin pH. For example, it has helped a lot in the preparation and production of various surgical materials (stitches, artificial skin, and sterile materials). Various types of soap based on Sodium or potassium salts, and Fatty Acids with different molecular weights are known as detergents for cleaning and bathing, so the role of modern chemistry can be seen in their development.

Also, types of fuels such as kerosene, gasoline, diesel, Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), and oils that are obtained from the refining of crude oil under the earth's crust are the only factors that allow us to travel by land, sea, and air.

Finally, green chemistry helps protect the environment by monitoring and improving the conditions in which we live, such as water, soil, and air. Providing many methods and solutions to increase health, reduce pollution, benefit from services, and improve the quality of life has been the services of green chemistry and chemists to human society.